The Spider Web of Election Deception
Our first report of 2023 regarding Election Deception crimes being committed in Michigan was titled “The Perfect Crime.” We would like to retract that title. The gross, criminal data manipulation that has provided America’s enemies with a cover to potentially facilitate election thievery wasn’t such a “perfect” job or our data heroes never would have been able to expose it. But the manipulation is exposed!
It is an honor to be working with the countless men and women who, for over the past three years, have played a part in this relentless, difficult, costly and potentially dangerous effort to catch the Election Deception thieves.
A massive amount of volunteer hours, talent and treasure have been expended in this effort, and it looks like the fruits of our labor are about to be celebrated. Thank you everyone – you know who you are.
Now let’s be clear, the criminals haven’t been charged with crimes yet. This is why we are doing our best to present the evidence of this Spider Web of Election Deception in an easy-to-understand format so that the voters, our legislators, our law enforcement communities and the judiciary in Michigan can all know what we know and they can finally help us restore good governance to the State of Michigan (and by extension to our Republic, the United States of America).
Please do your part by sharing this information far and wide.
Here we go with the nuts and bolts of the Election Deception crimes that were not so “perfect”.
Let’s start with a simple, small representation of a really complex, big problem – The Addition and Removal of Voting Histories.
Below is a chart that includes the following information:
The August 2, 2022, primary election “official” vote total;
The “total” votes shown on four Qualified Voter File (QVF) versions that were obtained via costly FOIA requests each month following that election;
The number of votes that are common from one QVF version to the next QVF version, and;
The number of Votes Removed and the number of Votes Added as each month went by.
The 2022 Michigan Official Election Voter Turnout
To explain this chart, the very first copy of the Qualified Voter File (QVF) that our data experts were able to obtain from the Secretary of State’s office after the August 2, 2022, primary election is dated 9/1/2022. They have obtained a QVF every month thereafter and, as you can see, the numbers NEVER match with the officially reported numbers shown in the second column to the left. In fact, as each month went by, the number of Missing Voter ID votes (that is, the number of voter IDs and their corresponding votes) increased.
Now the explanation that you might get if you call your clerk to question this particular mystery is that voters and their votes are removed if the person moves out of the state, moves to eternity (aka dies), or requests that their voting registration be removed from the QVF.
Those are all legitimate reasons for THE VOTER to be removed – they are not valid reasons for THEIR VOTE HISTORY to be removed. In fact, removing votes from the QVF is a crime. Please see Michigan Election Law PA 116 of 1954 Chapter 168 Section 509q Paragraph 1 (f).
If you don’t have time to look up The Law, the following is a copy of the portion of it that we are talking about as it relates to Voting Histories:
168.509q Qualified voter file... (1)... the qualified voter file must contain… for each qualified voter: (f) Voting history for a 5-year period
(NOTE: bolding, italics and truncation used for clarity and emphasis).
It is a FACT that our elections should never be certified if the exact reported official number of votes cannot be confirmed with data from the QVF. In the above chart, the official number of votes cast in the August 2, 2022, primary election remains constant at 2,167,798 but the QVF data never reaches that number.
Why then was the August 2, 2022, election certified?
Well, if you ask the Election Law Specialist Adam Fracassi, from the Michigan Bureau of Elections, he would give you a very curious and rather suspect response which you can see shown below in a portion of a letter sent to Patrick Colbeck dated August 29, 2022.
One thing we would like to bring to your attention is that our Michigan State Bureau of Elections demanded a payment of $1,563.27 from Patrick Colbeck for information that could probably be captured electronically in about one minute. This is a terrible affront to taxpayers who pay these employees of the State an annual salary far in excess of what many of We the People are earning. On top of paying those bloated salaries, pension plans and perks of working for “the government,” we still have to pay them more money to do their jobs? This, in and of itself, is an affront to common decency and fair play.
Beyond that, please look at the last two paragraphs of this letter. In these paragraphs, Mr. Adam Fracassi blames the local clerks for failing to input voter history records into the QVF. This is another violation of Michigan Election Law, specifically PA 116 of 1954 168.509q Paragraph 1 (f) mentioned above, and if it is happening, then these local clerks should be fined, fired or jailed (or all three) for violating the law in accordance with PA 116 of 1954 168.31 (1) (h).
This seems like an appropriate time to show you the most recent data that is available regarding Votes Added and Votes Removed in the November 3, 2020, election since Mr. Fracassi admitted in his letter that “(a)s of April 2022, the number of voters showing history in QVF from the November 2020 election is approximately 5.55 million” even though the law clearly states in Chapter 168 Section 813 Paragraph (5) that “Within 7 days after an election, the city or township clerk shall ensure that the qualified voter file is current and includes any individual who registered to vote under section 497(3) and (4).” We wonder if any local clerks are angry about this unelected bureaucrat in the higher magistrate’s office shifting the blame to them? Do they even know it?
So, here’s the chart of the most recent Voter History Added and Removed data from the November 3, 2020, General Election Results:
We don’t think this chart requires much explanation – the data speaks for itself.
But, there are a few things that must be said about it.
First, it is an outrageous crime against every single legal voter in this State that 173,602 Voters and their Votes were removed from the November 3, 2020, election results data, and 101,352 Voters and their Votes were delayed in being added to the November 3, 2020, election results data that was reported on the January 1, 2023, Qualified Voter File (see SUM totals at the bottom right of the above chart).
How do delayed votes appear on a static representation of election results? Oh, yes, I remember, the BOE Election Law Specialist Adam Fracassi blamed it on the local jurisdiction clerks.
Additionally, it bears noting that our data teams have all of the names and addresses of each of the 101,163 voters whose votes were delayed in being added during the two years following the November 3, 2020, election. We wonder what these men and women will think about their voting histories being manipulated in such a suspicious manner, once they know about it. We shall see...
And how is it that the first QVF obtained after the 2020 election shows 104,137 missing votes and now, two years later, there are a total of 197,248 votes missing from that election?
We are not here to challenge the number of people whose registrations were legitimately taken off the QVF, but again we reiterate, it is almost impossible to verify election results when our Secretary of State and the Bureau of Elections is deliberately breaking the law by removing voting records from within the last 5 years.
Here’s an example of more laws that are being broken. Please check out the following chart that demonstrates more of the same:
This chart shows that a significant block of history was removed (scrubbed) from the March 1, 2020, version of the QVF through to the January 1, 2021, version of the QVF.
It is interesting to note that Kristina Karamo’s vote cast on November 3, 2020, was delayed in being shown on the QVF until February 1, 2022. That is over a one-year delay before her vote record showed up on the QVF data reports provided to the public via costly FOIA requests.
Kristina is only one of the 11,610 voters who experienced the same delay.
What was recently discovered was that the local clerks DID upload the data, but the Bureau of Elections in Lansing suppressed in-person voting by using what our data analysts called the “Black Box” version of the QVF , which is the version provided to the public by way of FOIA.
You read that correctly. The Secretary of State’s office is running two QVF datasets simultaneously: one QVF to manipulate the data (The Black Box) and the source data QVF to which all clerks in Michigan have access. We requested election results via FOIA requests in which zero out of 8 jurisdictional clerks could provide accurate data regarding the most recent election results.
That not only violates Section 932 Paragraph (c) of the Michigan Election Law Chapter 168, but it also violates Section 813 Paragraph (5) of that same Chapter 168.
Quite frankly this kind of trickery also violates any known common law standards of decency, honor, and integrity. At an even more basic level, it violates the spirit of one of the Ten Commandments, as in Thou Shall Not Steal, since the State could be using these tactics to provide a cover to steal our elections.
The good thing is that our data experts have the voter IDs of all of the over 900,000 Michigan voters whose histories have been scrubbed, so we can potentially bring in witnesses with standing.
We are confident that many of the 900,000 Michigan citizens whose voting histories have been tampered with will step up and help us fight this corruption.
The next issue of Election Deception that must be revealed is that individual voters’ registrations are being REMOVED and then ADDED BACK and then REMOVED again and ADDED BACK again, which is beyond shocking. Please take a look at the following chart where the corruption is shown using four voters’ registrations as an example:
You can see that Barbara White’s voter registration information was removed from the QVF version provided to the people on 10/1/2019 but it showed up on the QVF version obtained on 3/1/2020; then it was removed again and it did not show up on the 10/1/2020 QVF version. It was then added back in time to be included in the 11/1/2020 version of the QVF, but it was removed again on 8/1/2022.
It was confirmed by a local clerk that Barbara White was reported as having died in 2019 (our condolences to her family). That is why she (as well as her voting history) was removed from the QVF version obtained on October 1, 2019. We have not yet confirmed how but it was reported that she was still alive and was added back to the QVF in time for the August 4, 2020, primary election. It was once again reported that she was dead, so she and her voting history were removed a second time as shown on the October 1, 2020, QVF but again she was reported as being alive in time to vote in the November 3, 2020, election. She was once again reported as having died and was removed from the August 1, 2022, QVF. Our data experts will continue monitoring this registration to see if this registration reappears in time for the next election in November of 2024.
Here is a chart depicting Barbara White’s Voting History that corresponds to the Registration Data Results that we detailed above:
It is not at all surprising that we see the same disturbing pattern of voters (and their votes) being continuously removed and delay-added to the aggregate election data that is being compiled from the most recent November 8, 2022, election as shown here:
Again, this Spider Web of Election Deception is not the “perfect” crime because, if it was, they would have been able to cover their tracks and continue to deceive the voters of Michigan. Quite frankly, without our data heroes, We the People never would have been able to figure this out ourselves. I am as certain of that observation as I am of the fact that somebody needs to face consequences for this criminal data manipulation.
Stay tuned for Report III in which we will drill even deeper into The Spider Web of Election Deception.
If you are interested in obtaining data that you can take to your local city or township clerk, please send an email to MCUsupport@proton.me.
By Law the Clerks have the duty and the authority to call for a full investigation if there is probable illegal or fraudulent registration in their city or township. See Michigan Election Law PA 116 of 1954 Chapter 168 Section 520.
Formed in 1975, MCU is the longest standing conservative activist group in Michigan; it is growing in numbers and influence.
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