Niche Activism – Because We Just Cannot Do It All
This is not new news to you, but our country is being systematically destroyed from within and from without.
We now have reached a true crisis level, and to expand upon a sentence that was created long ago to help us learn how to type, “Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country."
That is our country, our state, our counties, cities, neighborhoods, families, and ourselves.”
But we know that We Cannot Do It All!
That’s why Michigan Conservative Union would like to introduce it’s newest platform called “Niche Activism.” We would like you to become a niche activist under one or more of the targeted, constitutionally-supported initiatives to Restore Our American Republic.
As one of the longest standing statewide organizations, founded in 1975, Michigan Conservative Union (MCU) is developing a state level model that is based upon a national initiative developed by another long standing national organization, JBS.
As an example of our Niche Activism, we have an Anti Article V Convention committee.
Working with yet another group of nationwide activists, we are sharing a Pledge that we want our members to send to their state legislators. Here is the wording of the Pledge:
Pledge Against an Article V Convention
WHEREAS, our United States Constitution is the finest and longest-lasting governing document ever created in the history of the world;
WHEREAS, many of the enemies of the United States, foreign and domestic, would try to exploit any opportunity to rewrite our Constitution and eliminate its greatest provisions;
WHEREAS, secretive dark money is funding attempts to trigger an Article V convention that cannot be limited in scope, and which can set its own biased rules for ratification of a replacement of our Constitution;
WHEREAS, powerful and wealthy forces want to insert a right to abortion into our Constitution after the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022;
WHEREAS, globalists and their allies in the media want to remove the Second Amendment, the Electoral College, religious liberty, and perhaps freedom of speech from our Constitution;
WHEREAS, the prospect of a Constitutional Convention raises many unanswered questions and could jeopardize our precious freedoms and our constitutional system of government -
IT IS HEREBY PLEDGED by the undersigned that I will oppose any and all attempts for state legislatures to apply for or Congress to call a convention to change our Constitution under Article V, including a so-called Convention of States, regardless of the stated purpose of such a convention.
Some of the other Legislative Agenda committees include Election Integrity, Second Amendment Nullification, Education Exodus, Reining in the Feds, and Judicial Accountability.
MCU is dedicated to seeing our generation of patriotic, Liberty-loving, law-abiding citizens of America carry on the legacy of the late MCU founder, dearly beloved Norman Hughes (02/10/1943 - 10/03/2019) well into the future, so this current crisis can be resolved or destroyed before it completely alters the constitutional Republic that many of us have taken an Oath to protect, defend and serve.
You can read more about Norm Hughes here: https://www.newsmax.com/john-gizzi/conservative-reagan-ford-goldwater/2019/10/20/id/937841/
And You Can Join MCU and become a part of the MCU Information Superhighway here!